ChangHoon Hahn
My work lies in the intersection of large-scale structure cosmology and galaxy evolution and leverages my expertise in observations, simulations, and ML. I lead the ongoing DESI survey and the upcoming PFS survey. I served as a co-chair of the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey Working Group and I am currently a co-leader of the PFS Cosmology Survey. I also lead the collaborations building state-of-the-art cosmological simulations (SimBIG, Quijote) and testing galaxy formation models (CAMELS, IQ). Lastly, I develop statistical and ML tools that can unlock the scientific potential of astronomical datasets (PROVABGS, SEDflow).
Before Arizona, I was a research scholar at the Princeton Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences and a postdoc fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and UC Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics. I completed my PhD in Physics at NYU Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics.